Aesthetic dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry at Dr. Bohmann MVZ GmbH in Kaiserslautern, Germany

Specialists in aesthetic dentistry

The face is what most individually defines us as people. It makes us attractive and successful. The smile plays a special role in this. Here, as with talking, the teeth come out.

Everyone knows that crooked teeth, diseased gums, bad breath, gaps between teeth and black crowns disturb the harmony of the face, to which our interlocutor unconsciously reacts with distance and aversion. As a consequence, you then begin to hide your teeth.

You do not have to live with that. Everyone deserves to have an attractive smile! As specialists in aesthetic dentistry, we refine your teeth all the way to your longed-for dream smile. Because nothing makes you more likeable than a confident, natural laugh.

What is aesthetic dentistry?

Dental aesthetics deals with the appearance of teeth. It is about maintaining, improving or restoring the aesthetics of your teeth. Attention is paid to healthy oral hygiene, well-groomed gums and harmony between the upper and lower jaws.

Our aesthetic dentistry services include:

  • All-ceramic crowns
  • Tooth bridges
  • Bleaching
  • Veneers
  • Lumineers
  • Tooth jewelry

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Aesthetic dentistry Kaiserslautern: Book an appointment

Feel free to contact us via the contact form or call us directly. We look forward to welcoming you soon in our dental practice in Kaiserslautern.